Modern Killer Diseases:
Treating Symptoms or Causes?

National Congress with international participation of the Romanian Society of Lifestyle Medicine organized together with the support of the College of Physiotherapists from Romania, in collaboration with the Dan Voiculescu Foundation – the Scientific Senate, Lifestyle Medicine Global Alliance, International Board of Lifestyle Medicine, European Lifestyle Medicine Council and World Lifestyle Medicine Organization. 

The event is accredited by the International Board of Lifestyle Medicine with 10 CME hours, the Romanian College of Physicians has credited this event with 18 CME credits and the Romanian College of Pharmacists has credited this event with 30 CME credits.

Date: 27-29 Septembrie 2023

Location: Online

The Romanian Society of Lifestyle Medicine has the honor and joy to announce the organization of the second National Congress with International participation between September 27-29, 2023, which will take place online under the name:

Modern Killer Diseases: Treating Symptoms or Causes? 

On this occasion, prominent personalities of Romanian and international medical life in the field of lifestyle medicine will present topics from their area of professional experience in the practice of lifestyle medicine.

Lifestyle Medicine is the use of evidence-based therapeutic approaches, such as a predominantly whole-foods plant-based diet, regular physical activity, adequate sleep, stress management, the avoidance of risky substance use, social connectedness, spirituality, and the use of other non-drug interventions to treat, prevent and even reverse chronic non-communicable diseases related to the individual’s lifestyle.

The incidence of type 2 diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases, cardiovascular diseases, cancers, chronic respiratory diseases, and obesity will increase substantially in the coming decades. The global cost of lifestyle-related diseases will be approximately $47 trillion by 2030!

Modern medicine, with its cutting-edge technology and new drugs constantly appearing, will not be able to prevent and overcome the great dangers of an unhealthy lifestyle.  The medical world has experienced dramatic changes in disease pathogenesis in the past few decades. We are seeing the burden of disease shift from advances in immunizations and drug discoveries to lifestyle-driven chronic non-communicable diseases that are now overwhelming health systems. Our daily habits significantly influence our health and quality of life in the short and long term.

One answer to lifestyle-related chronic non-communicable diseases is lifestyle medicine, the branch of evidence-based medicine that seeks to get to the root cause of disease.

In the event organized by the RSLM, we will share practical and evidence-based studies that show how, in many cases, these diseases can be treated with the regression of these pathologies through lifestyle interventions.

The Romanian Society of Lifestyle Medicine was founded in 2019 with an unstoppable desire to unite members passionate about the urgent need to transform the health of Romanians and the Romanian healthcare system.  Our organization addresses the need for quality education and qualification in the clinical practice of Lifestyle Medicine by developing and promoting educational events, courses, tools, resources, and campaigns designed to support the cause of Lifestyle Medicine.

The Romanian Society of Lifestyle Medicineis the sister organization of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine within the Lifestyle Medicine Global Alliance, is a member of the European Lifestyle Medicine Council, a founding member of the World Lifestyle Medicine Organization, and is affiliated with the Romanian Medical Association.

Stay up to date with the latest research and innovations in medicine!

Stay up to date with the latest research and innovations in medicine!

Why is this Congress unique?

The challenge for physicians and health professionals in adjusting their daily work to integrate Lifestyle Medicine into their current practice is real.

RSLM Congress guest speakers will introduce you to strategies, skills, and protocols to facilitate the integration of lifestyle medicine into your current practice.

Nutrition – using food as medicine

Discover the diet recommended by most specialists in Lifestyle Medicine and learn about its benefits.

Science and  research 

Studies and scientific evidence on Lifestyle Medicine will be brought to the fore.

Lifestyle  Medicine Protocols 

Description of MSV pillars for health improvement.

Diet, constant physical activity, correct management of daily stress, sleep hygiene, social support, and avoidance of risk substances.
Discover simple ways to integrate Lifestyle Medicine to support and empower patients.

The science  of behavior change 

Lifestyle Medicine means changing unhealthy behaviors. Lifestyle Medicine experts will discuss the stages of change and the challenges that arise during the transition to a healthy lifestyle.

Personal health and community advocacy

Stay up to date with the latest research and innovations in medicine!

Stay up to date with the latest research and innovations in medicine!


Jacob Gould Schurman Professor Emeritus of Nutritional Biochemistry in the Division of Nutritional Sciences, Founder of the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies and the Plant-based Nutrition Certificate, author of the China Study, one of the most comprehensive studies of health and nutrition ever conducted and recognized by The New York Times as the “Grand Prix of epidemiology”. With more than 70 grant-years of peer-reviewed research funding, he has authored more than 300 professional research papers, especially in the area of nutrition, diet, and cancer.
Dean Ornish, M.D., is the founder and president of the non-profit Preventive Medicine Research Institute and Clinical Professor of Medicine at UCSF and Clinical Professor of Medicine at UCSD. He is a #1 New York Times bestselling author of seven books, all national bestsellers, including four New York Times bestsellers. UnDo It!
Caldwell Blakeman Esselstyn Jr. is an American physician, author, and former Olympic rowing champion. Esselstyn is the director of the Heart Disease Reversal Program at the Cleveland Clinic. He is also the author of Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease, in which he argued for a low-fat, whole-food, plant-based diet that avoids all animal products and oils and reduces or avoids soybeans, nuts, and avocados.

Dr. Michael Greger is an expert in nutrition and preventive medicine. With a focus on evidence-based practices, he has dedicated his career to educating the public about the profound impact of diet and lifestyle choices on health outcomes. Through his popular platform,, and his best-selling book, How Not to Die

Labros S. Sidossis, PhD, FTOS, FAHA, FNAK Distinguished Professor and Director, Rutgers Lifestyle Science Initiative Department of Kinesiology and Health Professor, Department of Medicine, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA
President, Mediterranean Lifestyle Medicine Institute

Dr Klaper is a gifted clinician, internationally-recognized teacher & speaker on diet & health. In addition to his clinical practice & private consultations with patients, he’s a passionate & devoted educator of physicians & other healthcare professionals about the importance of nutrition in clinical practice & integrative medicine.

Dr. Stoll is board certified physician specializing in sports and regenerative musculoskeletal medicine and is a recognized as an international leader in lifestyle medicine.

Brenda Davis, registered dietitian, is a world leading plant-based pioneer and an internationally acclaimed speaker. Brenda has been a featured speaker at medical, nutrition, and dietetic conferences in 25 countries on 6 continents.

Professor Darren Morton is an internationally recognised wellbeing expert who is currently the Director of the Lifestyle Medicine & Health Research Centre at Avondale University. He is a Fellow of the Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine and was the inaugural recipient of the society’s “Change Maker” award.

Lecturer in Public Health and Lifestyle Medicine at the School of Public Health at the Lithuanian University. Coordinator of the Master’s program in Lifestyle Medicine. He is the official University liaison with the European Union’s Commissioner of Health and Food Safety.

Simon is a Psychologistand Fellow of the Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine. He is Board Certified in Health Coachingand Lifestyle Medicine.He’sthe CEO of Wellcoaches® Australiaand Wellcoaches® SingaporeSchool of Health Coaching.

Tamami Shirai, M.S., Ph.D., is a researcher at the department of radiology, School of Medicine, University of California San Diego, and a consultant in global research/healthcare research for major consulting firms. Dr. Shirai has a broad background in psychology, Mind-Body Medicine, research, and organizational development in global organizations.

Program Director; Assistant Clinical Professor, Harvard Medical School; Board of Directors Member, American College of Lifestyle Medicine

Dr. Elizabeth (Beth) Frates is an award-winning professor at Harvard Medical School, one of the first fellows of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine (ACLM) and a pioneer in lifestyle medicine. She developed and taught a college lifestyle medicine curriculum at the Harvard Extension School in 2014, which remains one of the most well-received programs offered at the school. She is currently the president of ACLM and the director of lifestyle medicine and wellness for the Department of Surgery at Massachusetts General Hospital.

Liana Lianov, MD, MPH, FACLM, FACPM, DipABLM
President, Global Positive Health Institute

As an innovative global leader in lifestyle medicine, Liana Lianov, MD, MPH, FACLM, FACPM, DipABLM has advanced the movement for integrating positive psychology into health care. She led the development of the original lifestyle medicine core competencies for physicians and health professionals, which have recently been expanded to include positive psychology-based knowledge and skills.

Dr. Bindlish is a Diabetologist/diplomat in Obesity Medicine(ABOM) and Lifestyle (ACLM) medicine. She is a Chair of the Mission Leadership Committee and a Board member of the American Diabetes Association(ADA). She is a speaker at University at Sea (CME at Cruise) and adjunct faculty at Touro University, California. Dr. Bindlish is the associate editor of Science Direct Obesity Pillars of Medicine and Brand Ambassador of DiaBeaters organization in Africa. She has also written multiple blog posts for the obesity medicine association. To bring awareness, she has also started her own Youtube channel DiaBesity. Dr. Bindlish strongly believes in conquering the disease with “Dedication, Action, and spreading Awareness” to both patients and healthcare professionals.

ELMC Trustee and Treasurer, Co-founder of the Portuguese Society of Lifestyle Medicine.

Dr Barata graduated in Medicine (NOVA Medical School) in 2012 and completed his speciality certification examination in Psychiatry in 2019. He currently works as a Psychiatrist in Portugal’s National Health System. His passion for Lifestyle Medicine fostered during his early years as a doctor when he realised the potential that lifestyle interventions could have on his patients. This led him to certify as a Lifestyle Medicine Practitioner by the International Board of Lifestyle Medicine in 2019. In the same year, he also co-founded the Portuguese Society of Lifestyle Medicine.

“Having qualified in Medicine in 1975, Rob has gained extensive experience as a GP in Scotland. His principal interests have been primary and secondary prevention of disease and the specialty of Lifestyle Medicine. As well as leading his NHS team to the highest awards for quality (2003-2013)

Johannes R. Fisslinger, MA, LPHCS, HWC
Founder of Lifestyle Prescriptions® University offering accredited degree programs in Lifestyle Medicine and Health Coaching, Founder of HealthiWealthi™ RXHEAL Coach Platform & Ecosystem, Board Member of Lifestyle Medicine University Foundation, Author of The 6 Root-Causes Of All Symptoms and Lifestyle Medicine Works, director of the documentary films Titans of Yoga and Lifestyle Medicine.

President & Founder of the Romanian Society of Lifestyle Medicine, Family Medicine Specialist, In & Pre Hospital Emergencies, Plant-based Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine Physician, Dipl. IBLM, Trustee Member of the ELMC, Founding Member WLMO, Member of the Editorial Board of Wiley Lifestyle Medicine Journal, Deputy Editor-in-Chief Editor for “Lifestyle Medicine Research & Reviews” Journal. Trained at “Grigore T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy (Iași, Romania), Barnard Medical Center (Washington DC, USA) and Nagasaki University Hospital (Nagasaki, Japan).

Vice President of the Romanian Society of Lifestyle Medicine and Coordinating Editor for “Lifestyle Medicine Research & Reviews” Journal. He is a member of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine and board certified as a Lifestyle Medicine Physician. He earned his doctorate in medicine from the University “Iuliu Hatieganu” Cluj Napoca, Romania, passed the U.S. Medical Licensing Examinations in the USA, and completed a master’s in healthcare administration at Louisiana State University, Shreveport.

Vice President of the Romanian Society of Lifestyle Medicine, she is a member of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine and board certified as a Lifestyle Medicine Physician. She earned her doctorate in medicine from the University “Iuliu Hatieganu” Cluj Napoca, Romania. In the USA, she earned her doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology from Capella University.

Dr. Dana Popescu-Spineni is an International Board -Certified Lifestyle Medicine Physician who works as a senior lecturer at “Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Faculty of Midwives and Nursing, in the Department of Social Medicine, and as a researcher in bio-medical anthropology at the Romanian Academy, “Francisc I. Rainer” Institute of Anthropology.

Senior clinical psychologist, clinical hypnosis psychotherapist (Ericksonian and relaxation therapy), national disability consultant, psycho-nutrition trainer, positive psychotherapy counselor
Dr. Szallós-Farkas’, Vice President of the Romanian Society of Lifestyle Medicine, was first trained as a dietitian at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Târgu Mureș, Romania, followed by general medicine at the same university. He has worked in lifestyle education for over 10 years, holding seminars and courses on the role of diet and lifestyle in health.
Specializat în tratarea și remisia prin nutriție a bolior cronice Absolvent al Facultății de Nutriție și Dietetică din cadrul UVVG Arad Certificat în nutriția cu ingrediente vegetale la Cornelll University

Physiotherapist with a PhD and over 21 years of experience in the recovery of musculoskeletal pathologies in both adults and children, IFOMPT authorized manual therapist (International Federation of Orthopedic Manipulative Physical Therapists) and DO osteopath (graduate of the First School of Osteopathy in Romania).

Dr. Viorica Ivan is a holistic health and nutrition coach, scientist, and science writer. She is the founder of Smart Science Holistic Health that aims to educate and help people manage stress and nourish their body and mind with real food, exercise, meditation, new patterns of thought and emotion.

Viorica has a PhD in cell biology from Utrecht University, The Netherlands.

Medic specialist în Gastroenterologie și Medicină Internă, absolvent al Facultății de Medicină și Farmacie “Carol Davila”.Domenii de activitate: endoscopie digestivă diagnostică și terapeutică, Nutriție
Dr. Oana Sîrbu este specialist în Medicină Internă, rezident Cardiologie și activează în cadrul Spitalului „Sf. Spiridon” Iași. De asemenea, este Asistent Universitar la disciplina Medicină Internă – Toxicologie în cadrul UMF „Gr. T. Popa” Iași.

Adina-Brîndușa Baciu este cercetător științific gradul I la Institutul de Antropologie ,,Francisc I. Rainer” al Academiei Române. Își desfășoară activitatea în cadrul Compartimentului de Antropologie biomedicală, pe care îl și coordonează.

Ancuța Coman-Boldișteanu este psihoterapeut autonom și fondator al proiectului “Emoții în farfurie”, cu o experiență de peste 7 ani în lucrul cu persoanele care se confruntă cu dificultăți legate de relația cu mâncarea, fiind specializată în terapia traumei, a atașamentului și în terapie relațională.

Fondator, Psiholog & Supervizor în Psihologie Clinică, Psihoterapeut & Master Trainer în Psihoterapie Pozitivă

Licențiată în Psihologie;

Master în Sexologie UMF Cluj;

Psiholog Clinician Specialist atestat de Colegiul Psihologilor din România;

MD, PhD, Habil., is professor of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology and senior clinical pharmacologist. Moreover, she is also family doctor specialist. Currently, she is working at the Faculty of Medicine, Grigore T. Popa University of Iasi, Romania.

Teaching Assistant Alexandru-Dan Costache, MD, PhD Student

Teaching Assistant in the Medical Semiology Discipline

3rd year Resident Doctor in Internal Medicine

PhD Student in Sports Cardiology under the supervision of Professor Florin Mitu, MD, PhD

ROXANA MARINESCU -Founder & CEO Wellness Alliance, Charlotte, North Carolina

– medic primar cardiologie in cadrul Clinicii de Cardiologie, Sp. Sf. Spiridon Iasi, Romania

– sef lucrari in cadrul Universitatii de Medicina si Farmacie “Grigore T. Popa” Iasi, Romania

– arii de interes: cardiologie preventiva, cardiologie interventionala, depistarea aterosclerozei subclinice, evaluarea si controlul factorilor de risc cardiovasculari.


Loredana Catrinescu este pasionată de oameni și lucrează pentru a întregi sau redobândi sănătatea mintală a acestora. La baza intervențiilor terapeutice pe care le propune se află elemente ale stilului de viață a căror eficiență a fost confirmată de comunitatea științifică. Lucrează ca medic psihiatru la Centrul de Sănătate Podiș și este președintele Asociației pentru Sănătate Mintală Noah, prin intermediul căreia mii de persoane pot beneficia de informații de calitate în domeniul sănătății psihice (Facebook și Youtube: noah.cuvinte pentru minte).

I am Irina Babici, I am a coach in holistic nutrition and I help women to have a healthy lifestyle through a balanced diet for themselves and their family, which will make them improve their relationship with their child. Currently, I am also a facilitator and trainer of the “Healthy Choices” program at “Save the Children” Romania…

Anca Ciliac is an art therapist with over 13 years of experience, trainer, instructor and certified dance trainer, associate professor at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences at U.A.I.C. Iasi.

Dietetician dr. Florina Daniela Ruța
Universitatea de Medicina, Farmacie, Științe și Tehnologie “George Emil Palade” din Târgu Mureș
Președinta Colegiul Dieteticienilor din România

Licențiată în Nutriție și Dietetică (2011), Master în Nutriție Clinică și Comunitară (2013) și în Managementul Serviciilor de Sănătate (2016), Doctorat în Medicină/Sănătate (2016) la UMFST “G. E. Palade” din Târgu Mureș.

Kinetoterapeut Simona Rusu – Clinica Bioterramed –
“The Movement That Really Matters: Prevention and Management of Childhood Obesity”

-Graduate of a Master’s degree in Clinical Posturology: “Osteopathic Techniques for postural rebalancing”, “Muscular Testing, and Functional Anatomy”.
-Specialized in Temporomandibular Joint Rebalancing.
-Specialized in Craniosacral Fascial Therapy.

Elena Cazacu is described by her clients as a playful psychotherapist in her work with children, but also with teenagers and adults. In her professional life, over 13 years, she has work experiences with families in abusive enviroments, with families with children with disabilities, with children and adolescents facing cancer and chronic diseases.

Executive Director American College of Lifestyle Medicine. This is the physician-led medical specialty society in the United States. It is dedicated to the advancement and clinical practice of Lifestyle Medicine as the foundation of a transformed and sustainable healthcare system.

Ifeoma Monye




Founder, Brookfield Centre for Lifestyle Medicine

Chief Consultant Family Physician

Founding President & Chairman, Society of Lifestyle Medicine of Nigeria

Founding Chairman, Africa Lifestyle Medicine Association

Co-Founder, Africa Lifestyle Medicine Council

Regional Director, British Society of Lifestyle Medicine


Board Certified Lifestyle Physician, International Board of Lifestyle Medicine

Certified CHIP Instructor, Complete Health Improvement Program

President, World Lifestyle Medicine Organisation

Advisory Board

You can see the composition of the Advisory Board of the Romanian Society of Lifestyle Medicine by accessing the following button:

Stay up to date with the latest research and innovations in medicine!

Who can participate?

This one-of-a-kind event is aimed at doctors, nurses, pharmacists, nutritionists and dietitians, psychologists, physiotherapists, fitness and health coaches, students, biologists, biochemists, and last but not least, everyone who is interested in the concept of a lifestyle healthy.

Time schedule

To see the entire program in detail, please click on the following button:

* The program is preliminary and may undergo some changes

Package prices

Selectați pachetul potrivit

Package 1

100 lei

Non-Medical Staff

Package 2

200 lei

Nutritionists and Dieticians
Fitness Trainers

Package 3

300 lei



Proiect realizat în colaborare cu:

Contact information 

If you have any questions or need information that you have not found on this page, do not hesitate to contact us.